Wednesday – Agenda
October 16, 2024
8:00am – 8:30am
Conference Check-in, Coffee & Networking
8:45am – 9:10am
Keynote: Seth Dobbs, CEO, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Introduction of Keynote Speaker by Irene Mbari-Kirika, Member of the W3C-WAI Steering Committee; Member of the G3ict Board of Directors; Founder and Executive Director, InABLE
9:15am – 10:00am
Round Table | Closing the Web Accessibility Gap: Thinking Out of the Box
While web accessibility guidelines have been broadly adopted worldwide and integrated into multiple national and regional legislation and regulations, including in the United States, the 2024 “WebAIM Million” Report on the accessibility of the top 1 million home pages shows that 95.9% of those include WCAG 2 failures. Thinking “out of the box,” panelists will discuss possible innovative ways to resolve this critical failure, preventing millions of users from accessing essential web resources. [Audience Poll]
Moderator: Jennison Asuncion, Co-Founder and Vice Chair, GAAD Foundation
- Preety Kumar, CEO, Deque Systems
- Jonathan Avila, CPWA, Chief Accessibility Officer, Level Access
- David Sloan, Chief Accessibility Officer, TPGi, A Vispero Company
- Anil Lewis, Executive Director, Jernigan Institute, NFB
10:00am – 10:30am
Networking Break
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
10:30am – 10:40am
Ignite Talk | Global Standards, a Driver for Inclusive Technologies
Speaker: Dino Zuppa, Ph.D., Acting CEO, Accessibility Standards Canada
10:40am – 11:00am
Data Blitz | Emerging Challenges of Diverse Digital Accessibility Requirements
Results of the G3ict DASH Work Group 2024 Survey.
Initiated at the 2023 M-Enabling Summit, the DASH Work Group (Digital Accessibility Standardization and Harmonization) includes volunteers from advocacy, industry, and large end-user organizations concerned about the fragmentation of global accessibility requirements develop proposals to enhance international cooperation in digital accessibility harmonization and standardization.
Speakers: Andrew Kirkpatrick, Senior Fellow, G3ict and Marc Workman, CEO, World Blind Union
11:00am – 11:45am
Spotlight | European Accessibility Act (EAA) and U.S. Accessibility Legislation
This session will provide an update and discuss the similarities and differences between the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and U.S. accessibility legislation and regulations, their enforceability, different timelines, and how they will impact the industry, persons with disabilities, and policymakers worldwide.
Introduction: Rachel Sanford Nemeth, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Consumer Technology Association
Speakers: Susanna Laurin, EU Representative, G3ict/IAAP and Lainey Feingold, Disability Rights Lawyer and Author, Law Office of Lainey Feingold
11:45am – 12:15pm
Wrap-Up | Advocates’ Viewpoints on Digital Accessibility Rights and Technology Directions
Advocacy Thought Leaders share their perspectives on latest Digital Accessibility innovations and their impact on future policy directions.
Moderator: Joe Devon, Chair, GAAD Foundation
- Stephanie Enyart, J.D., Chief Public Policy & Research Officer, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
- Kyle Shachmut, Senior Director, Digital Accessibility Services, Harvard University and Co-chair of the EDUCAUSE IT Accessibility Community Group
- Zainab Alkebsi, Esq., Chief Policy Officer, Deaf Equality
12:15pm – 1:30pm
Networking Lunch
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
1:30pm – 2:20pm
Parallel Sessions
Inclusive Entertainment
Major streaming platforms incorporate accessibility features like closed captions and audio descriptions to meet regulations and cater to a broader audience. This session will discuss how AI and other technologies open further opportunities to provide access to video programming, including customizing user interfaces for personalized experiences.
Session Chair: Karen Strauss, National Disability Advocate and Historian
- Josh Mendelsohn, Acting Chief, Disability Rights Office, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
- Thomas Wlodkowski, Vice President, Accessibility, Comcast
- Peter Korn, Director of Accessibility, Amazon's Devices & Services
- Zainab Alkebsi, Esq., Chief Policy Officer, Deaf Equality
- Paul Schroeder, Vice President, Impact & Outreach, American Printing House for the Blind (APH)
Parallel Sessions
Accessibility for Cognition
When we talk about "accessibility for cognition," we're referring to how environments, tools, and information are designed to be more understandable and usable for persons with cognitive disabilities or impairments. In this session, participants will learn about survey data collected from the M-E Summit A11y Cognitive Innovation Sprint Work Group. The survey gathered insights worldwide on how inaccessible technology impacts persons with cognitive and learning disabilities. This session will also review the latest developments in accessibility solutions, including AI-enabled applications for individuals with cognitive and learning disabilities.
Session Chair: Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict/IAAP
- David Fazio, Founder and President, Helix Opportunity
- Kurt Iobst, Global President, Neurodiversity Abilityforce ERG, Salesforce
- Dan Tripp, Senior Digital Accessibility Engineer, Siteimprove
- Sue Cullen, Director of Universal Design and ICT Accessibility, Tech for All, Inc. (remote speaker)
Parallel Sessions
Balancing Security & Accessibility
While security measures are necessary to protect against malicious attacks, they can also make it more difficult for persons with disabilities to access the devices and applications they need. This session will discuss state-of-the-art considerations when implementing those.
Session Chair: Mike Hess, Founder and Executive Director, Blind Institute of Technology (BIT)
- Steven Lewis, Senior Manager, Legal Counsel, Canada Legal, CapitalOne
- Marie Cohan, CPACC, Statewide Digital Accessibility Officer, DIR (Texas Department of Information Resources)
- Justin Merhoff, Director of Security, Deque Systems
Parallel Sessions
Accessibility Drives Loyalty: The ROI of Creating Inclusive Customer Experiences (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by TPGi, A Vispero Company
Eighty-four percent (84%) of the 562 blind and low vision persons who responded to a question on loyalty considered the accessibility of a restaurant to have a moderate or significant impact on their willingness to repeat their visit. However, customer loyalty is crucial for all organizations. How companies accommodate for their customers with disabilities can significantly affect that loyalty and have a lasting impact on any business. Join us to learn how you can provide a more inclusive, enjoyable experience for persons with disabilities.
Presenter: David Sloan, Chief Accessibility Officer, TPGi, A Vispero Company
Parallel Sessions
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Update
This session will follow up on W3C CEO Seth Dobbs’ morning keynote and provide updates on new resources and current accessibility work at W3C, including the WCAG 2.2 standard, the WCAG 3 work-in-progress, and educational resources.
Speaker: Shawn Henry, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Program Lead, W3C
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
Hiring Accessibility Professionals – The Jobseeker Perspective
- 1:30 – 1:45 | How Inclusive Are Most Hiring Practices?
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Ali Ingersoll, Global Head of Community, Open Inclusion
- 1:50 – 2:05 | Accessibility Professional Certifications
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Natalie P. Tucker, Accessibility Lead, Genuine Parts Company
- 2:10 – 2:25 | Career Transformation and Maturity
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Jillian Fortin Burtnett, Director of Community Programs, Fable
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
2:30pm – 3:20pm
Parallel Sessions
Accessibility in the Metaverse
Customizable accessibility features of the Metaverse enable persons with disabilities to explore shared and persistent virtual universes or enhance their interaction with reality. This session will explore inclusive design methods and discuss safeguards for data collection and data privacy for the Metaverse.
Session Chair: Larry Goldberg, Accessible Media and Technology Consultant
- Erin Leary, Product Accessibility Program Manager, Reality Labs, Meta
- Jazmin Cano, Senior Accessibility Product Manager, Owlchemy Labs
- Sarah Heinzen, Senior Product Designer, Microsoft Inclusive Tech Lab
Parallel Sessions
Accessible Self-Service Payments, Kiosks, and Registration Systems
From airports to banks and supermarkets, kiosks and Self-Service payment systems are still a concern for persons with disabilities and older persons. This session will examine accessibility requirements and solutions for all forms of kiosks, along with the latest updates on regulations.
Session Chair: Matt Ater, Vice President, Vispero
- Lina Nadar, Accessibility Program Lead, Walmart Canada
- Nicky Shaw, U.S. Operations Manager, Storm Interface
- Pete Thompson, Vice President of North American Sales, imageHOLDERS Ltd.
Parallel Sessions
The IAAP Navigator for Accessibility Implementation (DI&A Pilot Program)
The Disability Inclusion & Accessibility (DI&A) Program has been developed by the disability advocacy community to define what steps would make a company inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities, such as customers, job applicants, employees, and emergency planners. This session will review findings and quick wins of the 2024 pilot program conducted by IAAP Organizational members.
Session Co-Chairs: Monica Duhem, Ph.D., Director Global Advisory Center, G3ict
- Ira Burnim, Legal Director, Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, and DI&A Steering Committee
- Pete Bruhn, CPACC, Director of Digital Accessibility Solutions, Onward Search
- Robert Baker, Workplace Programs Advisor, G3ict/IAAP
Parallel Sessions
Latest Survey Findings from Online Disability Communities (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by
In collaboration with Reddit /r/blind and other online communities, accessibility specialists from conducted a web survey to gather feedback about web experiences and associated challenges. The survey came about due to the /r/blind community members and moderators' sentiment that other survey results did not completely cover the way they access the web. From there, we connected with WebAIM as they have their own survey Screen Reader Survey that has been well recognized and helpful to the industry. However, our survey questions shifted focused to how users use multiple assistive technologies while navigating the web rather than only one technology or specific self-identified disabilities. Users can be using a combination technology, and some may not even identify as having a disability but still use assistive technology.
Over the course of eight months, through even platform accessibility concerns from Reddit, the survey resulted with over 1200 submissions. This session will be covering an in-depth look of the user experiences, feedback, and combinations of assistive technology online users are utilizing in the evolving landscape of online accessibility. Join the session to learn more about the communities and the lessons learned from the survey. The findings from the session, as well as the public data, are aimed to help you create better inclusive digital experiences and web properties.
Presenter: Nick Goodrum, Director of Accessibility,
Parallel Sessions
New Rule for State and Local Government Web Content and Mobile Application Accessibility (U.S. Government Session)
On August 9, 2024, the Department of Justice (“Department”) issued its final rule revising the regulation implementing title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) to establish specific requirements, including the adoption of specific technical standards, for making accessible the services, programs, and activities offered by State and local government entities to the public through the web and mobile applications (“apps”)”. Dr. Sachin Dev Pavithran, Executive Director of the U.S. Access Board, will moderate the conversation on this new Rule. Rebecca Bond, Chief of the Disability Rights Section in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, will open the session by discussing DOJ’s intentions for the Rule and will share her vision of DOJ’s role in introducing and implementing the Rule. Jay Wyant, Minnesota's Chief Information Accessibility Officer, and Seamus Dowdall with the National Association of Counties (NACo) will share from their state and local government perspectives what this new Rule means to their digital accessibility programs and what they perceive to be state and local governments concerns and needs for a successful implementation. As the federal Section 508 Program has much to offer on, GSA’s Andrew Nielson, Director of the Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, will share ideas on what training, guidance, program operations, and networking is available out-of-the box for state and local governments to use.
Session Chair: Sachin Dev Pavithran, Ph.D., Executive Director, U.S. Access Board
- Rebecca Bond, Chief, Disability Rights Section, Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice
- Andrew Nielson, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
- Jay Wyant, Chief Information Accessibility Officer, State of Minnesota
- Seamus Dowdall, Legislative Director, Telecommunications & Technology, National Association of Counties (NACo)
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
Accessibility Metrics
- 2:30 – 2:45 | SODAR Report Results
- Interviewer: Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict/IAAP
- Guest speaker: Tim Springer, CEO, Level Access
- 2:50 – 3:05 | IAAP 10 Years Metrics
- Interviewer: Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict/IAAP
- Guest speakers: Sam Evans, G3ict/IAAP Certification Director & Rachel Paul, MBA, Membership Director, IAAP
- 3:10 – 3:25 | Metrics for Accessibility Quality of Service (QoS)
- Interviewer: Karen Strauss, National Disability Advocate and Historian
- Guest Speaker: Christian Vogler, Ph.D., Professor, Director, Technology Access Program, Gallaudet University
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
3:20pm – 4:00pm
Networking Break
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
4:00pm – 4:50pm
Parallel Sessions
AI & Inclusive Hiring: Introducing PEAT’s New Framework to Help Employers Manage AI Risk
In this session, the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT), a technical assistance center funded by the Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the U.S. Department of Labor, will give an overview of a new "AI & Inclusive Hiring Framework". This resource was developed to support the equitable use of artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled hiring technology in organizations and increase the benefits these tools can bring to disabled job seekers. The Framework is based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF) and is the result of extensive input from disability advocates, AI experts, government, industry, and the public. The Framework applies practices from the NIST AI RMF to the hiring process and gives employers actionable steps to manage potential risks. This resource is organized into ten Focus Areas that include practices, goals, and sample activities employers can adopt as part of their AI governance and disability-inclusive hiring initiatives. Each Focus Area contains information on maximizing benefits and managing risks when an organization assesses, acquires, or deploys an AI hiring technology.
Session Chair: Bill Curtis-Davidson, Director, Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT)
- Cari Miller, Ph.D., Co-Founder, AI Procurement Lab
- Maria Town, President and CEO, American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
- Sarah DeCosse, Assistant Legal Counsel for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Genetic Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Division, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
- Bryna Helfer, Ed.D., Director of the Employment Supports and Innovative Partnerships, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), U.S. Department of Labor
Parallel Sessions
Digital Accessibility at the Forefront of Travel and Tourism Innovations
This session will explore how recent innovations in digital accessibility and assistive solutions create new opportunities for the tourism industry to offer more inclusive services for persons with disabilities, benefiting all users.
Session Chair: Habib Ragelhassi, Digital Accessibility Expert, Amadeus
- Fred Maahs Jr, Founding Partner, Journeyable
- Tamar Makharashvili, Universal Design/Accessibility audit and Inclusive Tourism expert, Tbilisi Municipality City Hall Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities & G3ict Country Advisory Network
- Andres Balcazar, Accessibility Consultant, Todo Accessible & G3ict/IAAP Global Leadership Council
- Lourdes Arreola Prado, IAAP International Development and Chapter Manager, G3ict
Parallel Sessions
AI for Autonomous Navigation
The convergence of AI, Augmented Reality, and Assistive Navigation Apps and Services open the door to multiple innovative navigation support solutions such as robotic guides, wheelchairs with route management, intelligent navigation aids or image recognition enabled-wearable devices, and remote support services. This session will review recent innovations with users’ perspectives.
Session Chair: Mike May, Navigation Technology Advisor, APH
- Amos Miller, Founder & CEO, Glidance
- Troy Otillio, CEO, Aira
- Nicholas Giudice, Ph.D., Professor of Spatial Computing, University of Maine
Parallel Sessions
The Future of Accessible Broadcasting (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by Bridge Multimedia & Infinite Access
What does the future hold for accessible broadcasting? This forward-looking panel will explore the innovative technologies and strategies poised to transform how media is made accessible to all audiences. The conversation will focus on broadcasting's potential to reach new heights of inclusivity, leveraging advancements to ensure that the media landscape of tomorrow is fully accessible, engaging, and adaptive to the needs of diverse audiences worldwide.
Session Chair: Jonathan Thurston, CEO, Infinite Access
- Matthew Kaplowitz, President and Chief Creative Officer, Bridge Multimedia
- Frances West, Founder, FrancesWestCo.
- Marcie Roth, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, World Institute on Disability (WID)
Parallel Sessions
Moving Toward Sustained Accessibility and Inclusion in Media and Branding
Despite growing awareness and several examples of success, authentic representations of disability and accessible content in media and marketing remain largely absent from the mainstream. This is in sharp contrast to the needs and expectations of consumers with disabilities, who remain underserved and underrepresented in the way major brands advertise, produce digital content, and create media products. This session will provide an overview of the economic, legal, and rights-based imperatives that make the case for why brands and agencies must take greater strides to embed and mainstream disability inclusion and accessibility in their marketing and media efforts. It will also highlight best practices and resources brands can adopt to improve their performance now, as well as a path toward sustaining and scaling their efforts in the future.
Session Chair: Mark Walker, Head of Marketing and Portfolio, AbilityNet
- Stephane Leblois, Chief Community and Programmes Officer, Valuable 500
- Singleton Beato, Global EVP, Chief DE&I Officer, McCann Worldgroup
- Zachary Bastian, Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances, Verizon
- Daniella Decker, Independent Consultant, ReelAbilities
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
Public Infrastructures & Education
- 4:00 – 4:15 | Making Self-Service Accessible: From Design to Deployment
- Interviewer: Daniel Goldstein, Esq., Brown, Goldstein & Levy, LLP, Retired
- Guest speaker: Michael O'Hare, Director, Systems Accessibility, Tech for All, Inc.
- 4:20 – 4:35 | G3ict Digital Accessibility Rights Reference Guide (DARG)
- Interviewer: Mohammed Loutfy, Ph.D., CPACC, Director, Capacity Building and Advocacy, G3ict
- Guest speaker: Karen Strauss, National Disability Advocate and Historian
- 4:40 – 4:55 | Closing the Gap in Accessibility Curricula in Higher Education
- Interviewer: Sam Evans, G3ict/IAAP Certification Director
- Guest speaker: Kate Sonka, Executive Director, Teach Access
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
5:00pm – 6:30pm
M-Enabling Summit Social Hour
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
2025 Featured Activities
- Accessibility Professionals Forum
- IAAP Awards celebration and State of the Union address
- Global A11y Chats
- Live Exhibitor Demos
- Hosted Sessions by Google, Expedia Group, Walmart
Key Dates
10 March: Accessibility Professionals Forum Call for Presentations Open
25 April: Last Date to Submit Presentation Proposals
6-8 October: M-Enabling Summit