Tuesday – Agenda
October 15, 2024
7:00am – 8:30am
Conference Check-in, Coffee & Networking
9:00am – 9:10am
Opening Plenary Session
- Welcome Remarks
- Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Vice President, Institutional Relations, G3ict
- 2024 Agenda and Participants' Experience
- Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict
- Introduction of Keynote Speaker
- Axel Leblois, Founder and President Emeritus, G3ict
9:10am – 9:30am
Kickoff Keynote Remarks
Judy Brewer, Assistant Director for Accessibility, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President, White House
9:30am – 10:15am
Round Table | AI On-Device: New Frontiers for Digital Inclusion
A new generation of chips is now available that allows users to run AI applications on their devices. The round table will discuss their potential transformative impact on applications and services for persons with disabilities and how AI on-device may enhance personalization, improve response time, and contribute to addressing ethics, privacy, and security concerns. [Audience Poll]
Moderator: Gregg Vanderheiden, Ph.D., Professor and Founder/Director Emeritus- Trace R&D Center, College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool), University of Maryland
- Andres Castrillon, Senior Director, Government Affairs, Qualcomm
- Tomer Aharoni, Founder and CEO, Nagish
- Everette Bacon, VP of Blindness Initiatives, Aira & NFB
- Alex Dunn, Founder and CEO, Cephable
10:15am – 10:30am
Fireside Chat
With Peter Korn, Director of Accessibility, Amazon's Devices & Services.
Moderated by Gregg Vanderheiden, Ph.D., Professor and Founder/Director Emeritus- Trace R&D Center, College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool), University of Maryland
10:30am – 11:00am
Networking Break, Exhibitor Showcase Opens
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
11:00am – 11:15am
Lightning Talk | Disability Inclusion Perspective on Future AI Developments
Speaker: Arielle Silverman, Ph.D., Director of Research, American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
11:15am – 12:00pm
Round Table | AI Ethics for Persons with Disabilities
Equitable and ethical use of AI technologies remains high on the agenda of advocates, technology companies, and policymakers participating in the M-Enabling Summit. The round table will provide fresh updates and perspectives from around the world and discuss solutions. [Audience Poll]
Moderator: Jutta Treviranus, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Inclusive Design Research Centre and Institute, OCAD University (remote)
- Neil Milliken, VP - Global Head of Accessibility & Digital Inclusion, Atos
- AnnMarie Killian, CEO, TDIforAccess, Inc.
- Caitlin Grogan, Group Product Manager, Sprout Social, UI Foundations and Accessibility
- Ariana H. Aboulafia, Esq., Policy Counsel, Disability Rights in Technology, Center for Democracy & Technology
12:00pm – 12:15pm
Lightning Talk | The DEI Disconnect: Why People in Business Had It Wrong for So Many Years
Speaker: Paolo Gaudiano, Founder of Aleria, a diversity, equity and inclusion tech company and ARC, a nonprofit focused on DEI research. Adjunct at NYU Stern School of Business and chair of the annual D&I Research Conference. With advanced degrees in aerospace engineering and neuroscience, Paolo likes to joke that he had already done rocket science and brain surgery before turning to a complex problem: How to convince business leaders that they can make more money by creating more inclusive organizations.
12:15pm – 1:30pm
Networking Lunch
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
1:30pm – 2:20pm
Parallel Sessions
Inclusive Digital Health
Digital Health services are multiplying, driven by telehealth and telemedicine, remote monitoring, wearable technology, and mobile health. Other aspects of the digital health sector include electronic health records and electronic medical records. This session will review the evolution and implementation of latest accessibility solutions and standards in the digital health sector.
Session Chair: Catherine Pugh, Director, Digital Health, Consumer Technology Association, producer of CES®
- Stephen Framil, Corporate Global Head of Accessibility, Merck & Co. Inc.
- Kai Wong, Principal, Solutions Delivery - Accessibility, Teladoc Health, Inc.
- Monica Goel, Executive Director, Digital Accessibility, CVS Health Digital
- Mick Keane, Principal Digital Accessibility Engineer, Accessibility Center of Excellence, Consumer Office – Digital Office, Optum (remote speaker)
Parallel Sessions
Fireside Chat
With Sarah Herrlinger, Senior Director, Global Accessibility Policy & Initiatives, Apple Inc.
Moderated by Gregg Vanderheiden, Ph.D., Professor and Founder/Director Emeritus- Trace R&D Center, College of Information Studies (UMD iSchool), University of Maryland
Parallel Sessions
AI for Wearables
This session will examine how smart wearable devices available over the counter, such as watches, hearing aids, glasses, belts or headbands, fitness trackers, and even smart clothing, can customize users’ experiences, provide personalized support to persons with disabilities, and tailor assistance for greater independence. A discussion of the convergence of AI enabled apps for mobile and wearable devices will ensue.
Session Chair: Susan Mazrui, Director, Global Public Policy, AT&T
- Agustya Mehta, Director of Concept Engineering, Meta
- Brian Scarpelli, Senior Global Policy Counsel, ACT-The App Association
- Chuck Eger, Senior Director, North America, Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF)
- Julie Eshleman, Ph.D., Assistive Technology Researcher, Leonard Cheshire, Assistive Technology
Parallel Sessions
Optimal Methods for Enterprises to Ensure Inclusive Communications (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by Crawford Technologies
In a rapidly evolving world where diversity is celebrated, enterprises face a critical imperative: ensuring that their communications are accessible to all. Whether you represent a Fortune 100 company, a government agency, or a small business, the ability to reach every audience member, regardless of ability, is non-negotiable. During this session, we'll embark on a journey through various communication modalities, unveiling the most effective practices to ensure universal accessibility. From digital platforms to traditional print media, we'll discuss pragmatic solutions for every budget and organizational scale.
Join us for a fast-moving experience that will:
- Demystify document accessibility.
- Explore diverse inclusive and accessible formats.
- Help you bridge the language gap.
- Explore tools sets for various environments
Presenter: Ligia Mora, Senior Product Manager, Crawford Technologies
Parallel Sessions
Annual Governmentwide Section 508 Assessment Reports to Congress – Expanding Agency Digital Accessibility Monitoring and Reporting (U.S. Government Session)
In 2023 Congress created a new governmentwide Section 508 Assessment and reporting process as part of the 2023 Appropriations Act (see 29 USC 794d-1 Pub. L. No: 117-328 (2023). This new Report to Congress, further reiterated in the OMB M-24-08 Strengthening Digital Accessibility and the Management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (whitehouse.gov), created a significantly new and expanded Governmentwide Section 508 Assessment process for agencies beginning in FY23. GSA has completed one round of reporting, and is working on the next- How is this going?
Session Chair: Alison Sutton Levy, Director, Office of Technical and Information Services, U.S. Access Board
- Chet J. Frith, Director, Section 508 Compliance, Compliance, Risk, and Remediation (CRR), Office of Information and Technology (OIT), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Pierce Crowell, Section 508 Program Manager, U.S. Social Security Administration
- Cassie Winters, Digital Accessibility Policy Lead, Office of Management and Budget, Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer
- Kristen Smith-O’Connor, Senior ICT Accessibility Specialist, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
Hiring Accessibility Professionals - The Organizational Perspective
- 1:30 – 1:45 | Who to Hire – Internal/External/ Both?
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Derek Featherstone. VP, Accessibility and Inclusive Design, Salesforce
- 1:50 – 2:05 | Building a Diverse Team
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Nandita Gupta, CPACC, Senior Product Manager, Accessibility, Cisco
- 2:10 – 2:25 | Distributing Responsibilities
- Interviewer: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Guest speaker: Thomas Wlodkowski, Vice President, Accessibility, Comcast
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
2:30pm – 3:20pm
Parallel Sessions
Inclusive Design for Consumer Products
The recent flurry of accessibility initiatives among leading consumer product companies is a milestone of global significance. This session will explore the objectives and inclusive design approaches these vendors adopt.
Session Chair: Rachel Sanford Nemeth, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, Consumer Technology Association, producer of CES®
- Rob Moser, Chief Design Officer, Whirlpool
- Alwar Pillai, CEO, Fable
- Kyle Buzzard, Co-Founder, Head of Product, Glidance
- Shadi Abou-Zahra, Principal Accessibility Standards and Policy Manager, Amazon's Devices and Services
Parallel Sessions
AI-based Audio-Description, Image, and Video Accessibility
A review of state-of-the-art AI-enabled technologies that allow scaling up video accessibility, including users’ perspectives.
Session Chair: Joel Snyder, Ph.D., President, Audio Description Associates, LLC
- Josh Miller, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, 3Play Media
- Maria-Victoria Díaz, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, Dicapta
- Heather York, VP Marketing and Government Affairs, VITAC
Parallel Sessions
New Frontiers for Inclusive Transportation Technologies
Several areas of technology innovation are converging that can vastly improve the accessibility of transportation for persons with disabilities such as accessible digital mapping, spectrum optimization, AI applications and new features of autonomous vehicles. This session will review how those innovations enable new solutions, which stakeholders can support them and discuss ways to promote their adoption.
Session Chair: Zachary Bastian, Senior Manager, Strategic Alliances, Verizon
- Tom Pey, Ph.D., Founder and CEO, Waymap
- Brandon Biggs, CEO and Co-Founder, XR Navigation
- Alan Hejl, CPACC, Founder and Lead Consultant, Spark Access
- Briana Gilmore, Head of Public Policy, Accessibility and Marginalized Communities, Uber
Parallel Sessions
What’s New in Accessibility at Google (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by Google
This session will provide a high-level overview of the latest accessibility features and initiatives from Google. This will include updates on products and services such as Android, Chrome, and Chromebook.
Presenter: Eric Hind, Accessibility @ Google Workspace
Parallel Sessions
Standardizing the Federal Accessibility Conformance Reporting Process (U.S. Government Session)
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of the White House released "M-24-08 Strengthening Digital Accessibility and the Management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act" (whitehouse.gov). It directs: Within one year, GSA, in consultation with the U.S. Access Board, will explore options for establishing a standardized accessibility conformance reporting process for government procurement of ICT, which should include a central repository of vendor accessibility conformance reports. In this session GSA, U.S. Access Board, and HHS Accessibility Program Officials will detail the process to date on this challenge.
Session Chair: Andrew Nielson, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)
- Kathy Eng, Senior ICT Accessibility Specialist, U.S. Access Board
- Kate Sweeney, Digital Accessibility Program Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
Global Accessibility Impact
- 2:30 – 2:45 | AccessibleEU (European Accessibility Centre)
- Interviewer: Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict/IAAP
- Guest speaker: Klaus Hoeckner, Managing Director, Austrian Association for the Blind and Low Vision
- 2:50 – 3:05 | Zero Project
- Interviewer: Klaus Hoeckner, Managing Director, Austrian Association for the Blind and Low Vision (Zero Project Ambassador)
- Guest speaker: David Banes, Director, DB Access and Inclusion Services (Zero Project Ambassador)
- 3:10 – 3:25 | Priorities of the U.S. Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Team
- Interviewer: Isabel Hodge, Executive Director, U.S. International Council on Disabilities (USICD)
- Guest speaker: Suzy Rosen Singleton, Senior Advisor to Special Advisor on International Disability Rights (Detailee), U.S. Department of State
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
3:20pm – 4:00pm
Networking Break
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
4:00pm – 4:50pm
Parallel Sessions
AI Accessibility Tools for Developers
This session will offer perspectives from accessibility professionals on AI tools for developers, how they may be best implemented, and what to expect from proprietary and open-source solutions.
Session Chair: Shilpi Kapoor, Founder and CEO, BarrierBreak
- Dylan Barrell, CTO, Deque Systems
- Nandita Gupta, CPACC, Senior Product Manager, Accessibility, Cisco
- Lisette Arocha, CPWA, Accessibility and Inclusive Design Senior Manager, PwC
- Mousumi Kapoor, CEO and Head of Technology, Continual Engine
Parallel Sessions
AI for Assistive Technology
A review and discussion between end users and technology providers of how AI-enabled assistive technologies can better serve persons with disabilities by enabling personalized features and services.
Session Chair: David Banes, Director, DB Access & Inclusion; DATEurope Board Director
- Ryan Jones, Vice President for Software and Product Management, Vispero
- Sandy Hanebrink, Executive Director, Touch the Future, Inc.
- Craig Radford, CEO and Co-Founder, 360 Empower/360 Direct Video
- Karthik Mahadeven, Co-Founder and CEO, Envision
Parallel Sessions
Tech for Aging
Over the past few years, the adoption of technology by older persons has progressed exponentially, mainly due to the success of mobile devices. The session will explore opportunities and solutions for older adults and their intersectionality with digital accessibility.
Session Chair: Frances West, Founder, FrancesWestCo.
- H.E. Ambassador Luis Gallegos, President, GIA Foundation; President of the Board of UNITAR; Honorary Chair of the Board of G3ict
- Brianna Burrows, Digital Accessibility Manager, T-Mobile
- Charlotte S. Yeh, MD FACEP, Innovative & Passionate Ambassador for Healthy Aging, Yeh Innovation, LLC, former Chief Medical Officer, AARP Services, Inc.
- Kevin H. Yoo, CEO and Co-Founder, Haptic
Parallel Sessions
Bridging the Gap: Explaining Digital Accessibility to Stakeholders (Thought-Leadership Session)
Presented by HCLTech
In this session you will learn how to help people put their mindset into the world inhabited by persons with disabilities, give them answers to the why questions, educate them on the internal and external facing business reasons for digital accessibility, show them how to integrate digital accessibility into products from design through release and beyond, and finally, explain the quantifiable benefits of implementing digital accessibility. You will come out of this session with a road map to guide you in creating a digital accessibility story that makes sense for business stakeholders.
Presenter: Glenn Barfield, Accessibility as a Service (AcaaS) Program Manager, HCLTech
Parallel Sessions
Strategies for Inclusive Digital Workplaces
A review and discussion of inclusive AI tools for HR management and hiring by leading organizations.
Session Chair: Jacque Madison, Director of Product Accessibility - Digital Experience, Accenture
- Stephanie Warlick, SPHR, CPACC, PMP, Founder and CEO, 5FT View
- Manish Agrawal, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft & Co-Founder, iAccessible
- Klaus Hoeckner, Managing Director, Austrian Association for the Blind and Low Vision
- Greg Pollock, VP, Business Development, Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD)
Parallel Sessions
A11y Chats
Livestreamed short interviews from the "M-Enabling Global Studio" (limited seating).
AI Innovation
- 4:20– 4:35 | AI for Sign and Spoken Language
- Fireside Chat Guest speakers: AnnMarie Killian, CEO, TDIforAccess, Inc. & Larry Goldberg, Accessible Media and Technology Consultant
- 4:40 – 4:55 | Artificial Intelligence: Technology Solutions for People with Disabilities
- Interviewer: Kate Kalcevich, Head of Accessibility Innovation, Fable
- Guest speaker: JoAnna Hansen, Head of Accessibility for Worldwide Stores, Amazon
Onsite & Virtual Participation Guidelines and Overall Programming Schedule
5:00pm – 6:00pm
Remarks & Recognition
Round Table
UN Pact for the Future: Why International Cooperation in Digital Accessibility Matters
In September 2024, the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly will adopt the Pact for the Future. This pact reaffirms the UN Charter and paves the way for international cooperation to strengthen existing commitments, including human rights treaties like the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It also provides a blueprint for collaboration in sciences, innovation, and digital technologies. Discussants will outline how the Pact for the Future and its annex, the Global Digital Compact, create new opportunities to advance digital accessibility worldwide.
Introduction: Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Vice President, Institutional Relations, G3ict
Opening Remarks: H.E. Ambassador Luis Gallegos, Honorary Chair of the Board, G3ict
Video Message: H.E. Ambassador Amandeep Singh Gill, United Nations Under-Secretary General and Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology
The Big Wins for Digital Accessibility in the UN Global Digital Compact
Moderator: Mohammed A. Loutfy, Ph.D., Director of Capacity Building and Advocacy, G3ict
- Axel Leblois, Founder and President Emeritus, G3ict
- Andrew Kirkpatrick, Senior Fellow and Co-Chair, DASH Work Group, G3ict
- Marc Workman, CEO, World Blind Union; Co-Chair, DASH Work Group, G3ict
- Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Vice President, Institutional Relations, G3ict
Official Endorsement of the UN Global Digital Compact by G3ict
- Susan Mazrui, Chair of the Board, G3ict
- Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict
G3ict Appreciation Award
Special Recognition
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Opening Night Cocktail Reception
Swing by the Photo Booth in the Showcase Area to get your conference headshots taken.
2024 Featured Activities
- U.S. Government Forum
- IAAP 10th Anniversary celebration and State of the Union address
- Expanded global A11y Chats
- Live Exhibitor Demos
- Hosted Sessions by Google, Crawford Technologies, TPGi, Americaneagle.com, HCLTech, Bridge Multimedia & Infinite Access
Key Dates
10 March: Call for Presentations Open
25 April: Last Date to Submit Presentation Proposals
6-8 October: M-Enabling Summit