Thursday – Agenda
October 17, 2024
IAAP A11y Expert Forum @ M-Enabling Summit
Presented by
The IAAP A11y Expert Forum will repeat its successful approach of facilitating discussions among CAOs, CIOs, DEI, Compliance, and Accessibility executives to share their experience in implementing digital accessibility strategies with lightning talks, round tables, and open forums.
7:30am – 8:30am
IAAP Forum Check-in, Coffee & Networking
8:30am – 8:40am
Welcome Remarks
8:40am – 8:55am
Keynote: Victor Calise, Director, Walmart Belonging
9:00am – 9:15am
IAAP State of the Union: Christopher M. Lee, Ph.D., President, G3ict/IAAP
9:15am – 10:15am
The Evolution of the Accessibility Profession: A Decade of Progress
Over the past decade, the accessibility profession has transformed significantly. Initially, it focused on cross-industry collaboration to define the purpose of professional associations. This collaborative spirit led to the development of a universal curriculum for professional certification, standardizing knowledge and skills in the field. Today, we are entering a new phase, aiming to elevate the profession by establishing C-suite-level leadership. This progression underscores the growing recognition of accessibility as a critical business function, driving innovation and competitive advantage. More importantly, it promotes inclusivity, inspiring us to push the boundaries of what is possible. Join the presenters as they explore this remarkable journey and its future trajectory. [Audience Poll]
Round Table
Moderator: Frances West, Founder, FrancesWestCo.
- Andrew LaHart, CPACC, Senior Accessibility Program Manager, Atlassian
- Bruno Osorio, Executive Chairman, Adamastor Studio and Foxtech
- Sarah Massengale, CPACC, Web Accessibility Auditor, McGraw Hill and IAAP GLC Member
- Mike Gifford, CPWA, Open Standards & Practices Lead, CivicActions
10:15am – 10:45am
Networking Break
10:45am – 12:15pm
Impact of AI and Innovation on the Accessibility Profession: Threats or Opportunities?
AI technologies are enabling innovative new capabilities in assistive technologies and accessibility, offering many possible benefits related to disability inclusion. While these potential benefits are significant, it is crucial we also understand the potential negative impacts, risks, and harms such technologies may have for persons with disabilities. This session will delve into these potential beneficial and negative impacts with a particular focus on implications for the accessibility profession. We will discuss how organizations can integrate disability inclusion and accessibility into their responsible AI efforts and discuss how the role of accessibility professionals and programs is evolving.
Lightning Talk: Jutta Treviranus, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Inclusive Design Research Centre and Institute, OCAD University (remote speaker)
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Bill Curtis-Davidson, Director, Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT)
- Thomas Logan, CPWA, Founder and CEO, Equal Entry
- Manish Agrawal, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft & Co-Founder, iAccessible
- Christina Adams, CPWA, Manager of Digital Accessibility, Siteimprove
12:15pm – 1:00pm
Networking Lunch
IAAP 10th Anniversary & Awards Celebration
1:00pm – 2:15pm
Metrics, Metrics, Metrics
Tracking and reporting accessibility data within an organization is essential for several reasons. This session explores how data collection improves the experience for persons with disabilities, both from an employee performance and customer perspective. Presenters will discuss how metrics have impacted change in their organization by highlighting examples of possible impacts in areas such as benchmarking and progress measurements, prioritization and planning, employee performance, customer experience, and compliance. Join the presenters as they share how accessibility metrics can impact the culture of an organization. [Audience Poll]
Lightning Talk: Andrew Holbrook, Chief Accessibility Officer, Wells Fargo
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Tim Springer, CEO, Level Access
- Christine Hemphill, Founder and Managing Director, Open Inclusion
- Arpitha Shetty, Director, Inclusive Design/Localization, Walmart International
- Anessa Powell, Account Manager North & South America, Valuable 500
- Hillary Wool, Partner, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
2:15pm – 2:30pm
Networking Break
2:30pm – 3:30pm
Overlays to Generative AI: Charting the Future of Digital Accessibility
This panel will explore the future transformation of digital accessibility, recognizing the opportunities and disruptions that AI brings. Presenters will explore the tension between innovation, disruption, and the imperative to build accessibility. The session will examine how technology has changed the life trajectory and possibilities for people with disabilities while acknowledging that technology alone—not even generative AI—can fundamentally dismantle ableism, which underpins all marginalization of the disability community. Join us for a dynamic discussion on the future of accessibility, where we strive to balance technological advances with inclusivity, and center the disabled community in our journey forward to create equity. [Audience Poll]
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Mary Fernandez, Global Lead, Disability and Neuro-Inclusion, Cisco
- Ida Behreini, Software Engineer, JP Morgan Chase & Co.
- Michael Bervell, Founder and CEO, TestParty
- Willette Harris, Accessibility Technical Business Partner for Collaboration, Cisco
- Regina "Gina" Kline, Founder and Managing Partner, Enable Ventures
- Brian DeConinck, Senior Software Engineer - Accessibility, Ad Hoc
3:30pm – 3:55pm
Closing Session: What Companies and Jobseekers Need to Know When Hiring Accessibility Professionals
Hiring an accessibility professional is not just about ticking boxes; it's about finding someone who can drive positive change and make your build and digital products environment accessible to all. When hiring these professionals, it's crucial for companies to consider several key factors to find suitable candidates to champion and implement accessibility initiatives effectively. During the closing remarks, two fast-paced lighting talks will provide SME summary feedback from focus groups addressing hiring key factors held over the first two days of the Summit.
Panel Discussion
Session Chair: Sharron Rush, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Knowbility
- Glenda Sims, CPWA, Chief Information Accessibility Officer (CIAO), Deque Systems
- Natalie P. Tucker, Accessibility Lead, Genuine Parts Company
3:55pm – 4:00pm
Closing Remarks
IAAP Accessibility Workshop Offerings
Half and full-day workshops are also being offered for participants who want more in-depth training. Workshop content will be recorded and be available for purchase after the Summit. For information and registration, please visit Registration Pricing
2024 Featured Activities
- U.S. Government Forum
- IAAP 10th Anniversary celebration and State of the Union address
- Expanded global A11y Chats
- Live Exhibitor Demos
- Hosted Sessions by Google, Crawford Technologies, TPGi,, HCLTech, Bridge Multimedia & Infinite Access
Key Dates
10 March: Call for Presentations Open
25 April: Last Date to Submit Presentation Proposals
6-8 October: M-Enabling Summit